Some fan comments about the GENESIS saga:
From England: “Superlatives fail me when I talk about this book. It is simply one of the top ten books of the genre that I have ever read.”
From Philadelphia: “Fantastic description of using the center back hole of their galaxy to slingshot Ygdrassil to the Milky Way.”
From Annapolis: “…truly should be considered one of the classics of scifi literature…a book that really engages your imagination.”
From Colorado: “Donald Moffitt excels at alien beings…both their physical shape and the nature of their minds…beautifully described.”
From Virginia: “Donald Moffitt just can’t write about tiny things. His ideas become huge engineering projects, of such massive scope that it boggles the mind…The design of the aliens, their history and their ways, is a first class example of how to do it RIGHT.”
From Alexandria, VA: “Great alien race, interesting setting, realistic characters and sometimes very touching (if not also sometimes tragic).”
From Colorado: “I loved it and have read it at least 5 times.”
From Winston-Salem, NC: “Moffitt shows us quite a vision of the grand scheme of things. Though you might not believe in flying trees, the explanations he gives for the various evolutions and extinctions are great. I really like the universe he has built, and the sense of overall inevitability and futility of existence you get.”
From San Dimas, California: “Great epic filled with interesting turns.”